Moria' Photography: Blog en-us (C) Moria' Photography [email protected] (Moria' Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:16:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:16:00 GMT Moria' Photography: Blog 80 120 Erin & Cade Engagement | Lexington Kentucky I am so thrilled that this couple chose me as their wedding photographer! From the get-go we have been a great match, which is something I love to see when I book a couple. They have such a fun, outgoing nature and are hilarious Disney-loving-people just like my family! I mean, the consultation went great, but the real kicker was when they showed up with their precious little one in all matching Mickey Mouse t-shirts. It was all over when they pulled out plush Minnie and Mickey dolls. It was a photography match-made-in-heaven!

I was honestly very skeptical to ask the couple to do this shot, and dismissed the idea as it went through my head in fear it was going to be "too corny." But when the groom-to-be suggested it, I did a little dance in my head; it was like he read my mind! I love how it came together, and I'm more likely to take the extra step and request something potentially "corny" in the future. I almost missed out on THIS cuteness! So glad we were on the same page!

Their purple outfits were adorably coordinated, and I may even ask for some tips! When she texted my a picture of the lace on her dress, I immediately fell in love.

They have this adorable connection with one another and can instantly make one another laugh at the drop of "mayonnaise."
I'll most definitely be using this trick on the day of their wedding!

Their little one has such a big personality for such a tiny body. She's going to be the perfect little flower girl, and those eyes?!

When I saw the back of her dress in the photos she sent me, I dreamed of this pose and knew we had to get it. The opening in the back is just gorgeous beyond words! We are most definitely going to expand one some posing on the big day! Be on the lookout for some fun shots that you're going to love! I can only imagine what a stunning bride Erin will be. I can't wait for the day they say "I do!"

[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Couple Couples Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Family Family Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Wedding Photographer Love Moria' Photography Photography Photography Business Samantha Reynolds Wedding Wedding Details Wedding Photographer Weddings moria' photography photography blog Thu, 30 Mar 2017 21:49:23 GMT
Stinnett Family Session | Lexington Kentucky Kendra and I went to school together and I've known her for a good half of my life. Life went on and we each had kid(s) moved a pretty far distance from our home, but photography brought us back together! I'm so excited to show off photos from her session and her beautiful daughter who will be turning 3 soon!

We started off in the forest with these boho-style-inspired outfits that Kendra had gotten for the family. Seriously, I need little Ava's outfit in my size!

Despite the rain that we both panicked over continuously, we kept checking back every few minutes and seeing if it would lighten up. We took photos in small increments and would run out, snap a few, then run back under cover when it picked back up. Luckily, after a while, the rain stopped altogether and we were able to pull out some beautiful shots!

I was so in love with their choice of a flower crown. It made a perfect set-up for those adorable Mommy-and-Me photos that I knew I'd have to get!

My favorite photos are the ones that show who people are rather than what they look like. The shot below, I was ecstatic to get while Ava and her Mommy played together!

I may or may not have bribed her with Smarties to change and take photos in this outfit. But how adorable are those sparkles?! She's most definitely a princess!

I'm so happy she contacted me a couple months back and expressed how much she wanted me to document this fun time in her little one's life. I mean, it's not every day you turn 3 years old! It was a blast catching up with someone from back home, and seeing how much little Ava has grown. Even though at first Mother Nature didn't want to cooperate, I think we had an adorable outcome with lots of smiles!

[email protected] (Moria' Photography) 3rd birthday Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Birthday Birthday Girl, Birthday Photography Child Photographer Child photography Couple Couples Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Family Family Photographer Family Photos Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Children Photographer Lexington Family Photographer Lexington Family Photography, Lexington Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Child Photographer Lexington Kentucky Portrait Photographer Lexington Kentucky Portraits Lexington Wedding Photographer Love Moria' Photography Photography Samantha Reynolds Third Birthday Ideas, Third birthday Photography children moria' photography photography blog Mon, 27 Mar 2017 22:18:10 GMT
Shoot & Share Contest For the past two years, I have entered into the Shoot & Share contest, which is the world's only free and fair contest for photographers. The photos are voted upon worldwide by photographers and non-photographers alike. It is so fun and gets a lot of people really geared up! I wanted to share my personal results from this year's contest, which runs from January to March every year.

Last year was  my first year entering the contest, and I did so much better than I ever dreamed I would, especially for it being my first time entering, among more seasoned photographers across the world.

These are my results for the photo contest of 2016!:

This photo of these adorable twins stole the hearts of many, making the 18th place out of 12,302 photos entered in the  Newborn category!

3 Finalists (Photos who made it to round 10/10) were these photos:

This photo placed 335th out of 10,267

This photo placed 104 out of 5,815

This photo placed 609 out of 26,589

I also had 7 photos finish in the top 10% of their categories.

4 photos finish in the top 20% of their categories

and 8 photos finish in the top 30% of their categories

Though the full results for the 2017 contest will not be announced until Monday, I wanted to go ahead and include what I know so far. The entrants are still awaiting the release of all photos that did not finish in the top 100 photos of their category.

This year, I'm so excited to announce I won 14th place in the "Wedding Party" category with this fun photo!
I'm not sure how many others were entered into the category, but I know it was among thousands!

As of right now, I also know that this photo made the top 100 photos in the Emotion & Excitement category, however, I will not know its exact placement until Monday.

I know I had a few people asking how I did in the contest and wanted to give an update! I don't know where all the other photos placed just yet, but will keep everyone updated!


[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Couple Couples Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Family Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Wedding Photographer Love Moria' Photography Photography Samantha Reynolds Shoot & Share Shoot & Share Contest Shoot and Share Shoot and Share 2017 Shoot and Share Contest Shoot and Share Contest Results Wedding Wedding Details Wedding Photographer Weddings moria' photography photography blog Sat, 18 Mar 2017 18:00:57 GMT
To The One Who Left the Mountains For "The Big City" | You're KNOTT Alone  This is just my experience, my feelings, my life, and my blog. These are some of the things I miss most about being in Eastern Kentucky.
I'm just homesick and miss my mountains, they call to my soul.
My experience does not represent the population of the city or Eastern Kentucky as a whole.

When you're in Eastern Kentucky, all you can think about is how much better life must be on the outside--how much better life must be out of this small town that has "nearly nothing". I mean, when you think "date night" and have a choice between Dairy Queen, Subway, or Arby's.. how romantic that sounds, am I right? So you opt for something "fancy" like Applebees, Reno's, or if you're willing to go way out of your way, you might get some Texas Roadhouse.

When you first move, you're going to want to try out all the new restaurants you've never been exposed to, but what you'll soon realize is that most places are chains. You give to corporations daily and support the big wigs who couldn't care less about the people--they just want to make a quick buck. It takes quite a bit of digging to find a good hole-in-the-wall place like the little drive-ins back home (but once you do find them, trust me when I say you're going to be a regular). It is okay that you want to try these places, it is only natural, but remember where you come from and that your hard-earned dollars used to go to some child's school clothes, cheerleading uniform, or diapers.
If you're going to be in the city, dig and find those family-owned Mom-and-Pop shops and contribute to your community!

Because you have found so many good restaurants, you're going to gain some weight. There is no way around it. It is just a fact. So prepare for it by throwing out your scale. (Don't really do that).

The thing you don't realize until you leave is that you've left your people behind. YOUR people. The people you wont find elsewhere. When you come to a big city, you're going to find people who continually tell you that you have an accent, and all you can think is how THEY are the one with the accent. If they were to come visit back home, everyone would know they weren't from there because of THEIR accent.

Sometimes you'll miss the southern hospitality that comes with living in the mountains. In Eastern Kentucky, it is nothing special to have someone wait for you while you cross the ENTIRE parking lot at the gas station just so they can hold the door open for you (It feels a little awkward, but you always give and receive a half-smile and thank them, and go about your day, never thinking of it again because it was something you're used to). Could you have opened it yourself? Of course! It is the gesture that means everything. Months after you move to the city, you'll have a stranger from out of town (just like you) open up a door for you while you walk through and realize just how long it has been since someone has shown that kind of compassion for you.

You're going to feel like an outsider. You're going to feel like you're on an extended visit, which is something you may be able to adjust to. You're going to feel like everyone knows something or has some kind of insight that you don't. You're going to feel like a number in the crowd. You would think that with so many more people, that it would be so easy to make new friends and meet people, but in reality, when you meet someone you relate with, they're usually from Eastern Kentucky too.

You're going to have to get used to all the quirks in traffic, all the round-abouts, stop signs (that you actually have to STOP at!) and confusing traffic laws that you'll continually get tickets for. The worst part? There's no uncle you can call to have the tickets thrown out. There's not going to be someone who knows someone who knows someone who can help you. They really don't care. There are going to be so many times that you're wondering why some of these things never came up on your permit test.

When you're in Eastern Kentucky, distance is measured in minutes, not miles. If you ask someone in Eastern Kentucky for directions, they're more likely to say something along the lines of "Drive for about seven minutes and make a right," whereas miles are used elsewhere. It gets confusing, because sometimes with all the traffic lights in the city (because there are several, unlike the ONE the county has back home), you're driving for much longer than you would have thought. I mean, if someone lives 3 miles away, it should take 3-4 minutes to get there, right? No. I had a conversation that went like this:

"Sam, I heard you moved and you're close to the mall! How far are you from there anyway?"
"We're about 2.4 miles."
"Oh, but how LONG are you away from there?"
"Depending on traffic 15-45 minutes."
It's a struggle.

You're going to have to essentially give up soup beans unless you go back to visit your Mom. Half of the people in the city aren't going to know what soup beans are. They're going to call them brown beans, pinto beans, or bean soup, which is TOTALLY not the same. If you want a good country home-cooked meal, you're going to have to make it yourself, and even then, it is going to be difficult to find the ingredients. After going to 4 stores, I finally found salt bacon on my own. No one seemed to know what I was talking about or they didn't carry it because there was no demand for it. It made me think "What are these people putting in their beans then?!"

If you're going off to college, your professors are likely to not know your name, which really isn't their fault. They're going to see so many faces on a daily basis, that they honestly can't help it. You're likely to not know anyone in your classes either. Even though a lot of people are ready to leave and get away from home because they feel like they're going to find something better out there, because 'what could the little college in the mountains possibly offer'? My college was a place where everyone knew everyone in some way, and everyone constantly came together as a community to help one another. You really learned work ethic and about life-the things that are important-about your own purpose. And even thought there were struggles, it was never anything that pancake night couldn't solve. I come from a place where "Chicken Patty Friday" is a weekly holiday, in which most professors will let you out early--because they understand. It was a place where the mother of the President of the College knew you by name every time you entered the book store to buy a mini bundt cake or Trolli gummy eggs. (Also, where else are you going to find a statue of Alice Lloyd?!)

There is a historic side of town, but you're used to everything being historic. Your entire hometown is probably "the historic side of town." The rundown buildings will feel more like home than the huge buildings or skyscrapers you're going to see downtown. Everything is going to look new--like you've traveled into the future. You can decide if it is a good thing or bad.

Not everyone knows the same people you know. Right when you think you have a good base of friends or contacts, you find out that most people in the city have absolutely no clue who you are talking about. You can add someone to your job resume who you think "well, everyone knows them," but that is not always the case. You can't just say "Oh they're married to so-and-so, cousin of so-and-so, etc." Whereas, in Eastern Kentucky, everyone knows everyone, and everyone is connected in some way.

When you're in the need for a mechanic or other service in East Kentucky, you're likely to get someone to make a house call to help you out in the middle of the night, and do it just because it is the right thing to do. In the city, you're on your own; you call a business you've just Googled on your phone and pray they're available and are miraculously in your budget.

In Eastern Kentucky, everywhere leads to the same place. In Knott County, all roads lead to Beaver. If you drive long enough, you'll end up on Beaver. In the city, everything is so cramped and you're going to run into backroads that are one-way or dead ends. You have to know your turn or your exit a couple miles in advance, because if you're not in the right lane, no one is going to be courteous enough to let you over to where you need to be. It is a race; the guy next to you needs to get to his destination, and if he lets you over, it may delay him 10-20 seconds (and he wont stand for that!). You're going to hear a lot of honks and you'll get frustrated because you took the wrong street when you should have taken the next one. You'll have to drive several blocks to get turned around and will probably be late for wherever you're going, even though you left way earlier than you needed. Your GPS becomes your best friend.

It may be obvious, but there are no mountains in the city. It is flat land for as far as you can see, meaning hearing the tornado siren at 3am is going to be one of those adjustments you'll have to make. I know you probably feel crowded in the mountains, and for someone who has never lived in the mountains, this may not seem like a big deal, but go a few months without seeing them, and when you drive back home, it feels like they're hugging you. Like a giant hug you never knew you were going to miss.

Of course there are perks of the city. The perks are great, and yes, there are some amazing things about the city. It is fun, the nightlife is better, and there are more job opportunities. But most of the perks are going to be just convenience, and you'll soon realize just how good the mountains were for your soul. You're going to long for that sense of belonging, and even though you'll have yourself convinced that you were born to live in a city, you're going to miss all the little things that made Eastern Kentucky your home. And whenever you decide you want to visit, the mountains will welcome you back with open arms and it'll be like you never left.



[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Alice Lloyd College Appalachian Mountains Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Couple Couples Destination Wedding Photographers Eastern Kentucky Eastern Kentucky Photographer Engagement Photographer Family Photographer Home Homesick Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Knott County Knott County Photographer, Lexington Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Wedding Photographer Love Moria' Photography Photography Photography Business Samantha Reynolds Wedding Wedding Photographer Weddings moria' photography mountains photography blog Tue, 07 Mar 2017 23:45:04 GMT
Natalie & Austin Engagement Session | Lexington Wedding Photographer One of my brides who was already booked for 2017 mentioned that her friend (who will be a bridesmaid in her wedding) was also looking for a wedding photographer and she wanted to share my information with her. After finding out who the bride-to-be was, something clicked and I recognized her. We had all attended the same undergraduate college, Alice Lloyd College, and I had taken photos of the admissions work study at one time, and had already photographed both brides!

Natalie and I had a consultation over coffee, and after seeing how absolutely gorgeous she was again, and after seeing her venue, I just knew I had to shoot this wedding. I'm very happy to announce I was chosen as her wedding photographer!

She asked if I would be able to take some photos at the groom-to-be's family lakehouse. When I think lakehouse, I'm thinking more along the lines of a small, quaint cabin, but this place was unreal. The decor of this place was insanely amazing, the house was so spacious, and was a photographer's dream!--EXACTLY the kind of house I've always wanted to shoot this type of session in.

I thought I was in complete location-heaven already until they walked me down to this huge wooden dock where I had so many creative thoughts rush through my head at once, and I went crazy, snapping away.

One things that I'm much too excited about is how he makes her laugh. I know it will make for amazing wedding photos! She is so happy-go-lucky and he continually makes her smile. Real emotions make for the best pictures, and when he so obviously makes her happy, half my work is already done for me! I can't wait to see these two say "I do!"

Samantha Reynolds of Moria' Photography is a Lexington Kentucky based wedding and portrait photographer.


[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Couple Couples Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Family Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Wedding Photographer Love Moria' Photography Photography Photography Business Ring Samantha Reynolds Wedding Wedding Details Wedding Packaging Wedding Photographer Weddings moria' photography photography blog Fri, 03 Mar 2017 22:41:43 GMT
Happy 5th Birthday, Moria' Photography! So, today marks a very important occasion in my life, which is the founding of my photography business, Moria' Photography! Today makes 5 years that I have been in business and I couldn't be more excited! These years have been the most fun and rewarding years of my life, and have shown me where my true passion lies. I know how absolutely blessed I am to be able to say that I'm EXCITED to go to work the next day. I get so much joy and fulfillment out of every photo shoot, event, wedding, and everything else that comes with running my photography business. I'll be honest, at some points during this journey, I have altogether forgotten to collect a fee because I get SO into my job. I could do this every day for the rest of my life, and it would not bother me at all. I love seeing new faces, trying new ideas, and meeting fellow creative souls that share my passion. I've grown so much as a photographer and a person over the past 5 years, and I can't imagine doing anything else at this point. I've made some amazing relationships with some people I will truly never forget, and I can't thank everyone enough for supporting me throughout this time.

Because of this occasion, I want to share some of my earliest photos with you, and show you the kind of growth I have experienced throughout my time as a photographer. Please bear with me, and see the advancement, rather than the point I started. I think this is important for me to review, and to show other potential photographers that they can't compare their chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 5! Everyone starts somewhere, but it is so important that you can see where you came from to where you are now.

First, let's talk logos/watermarks. Many people don't know this, but I started as Photos By Samantha Lucas, before I changed to Moria' Photography. The reasoning behind the change is that I was going to be married soon, and didn't want to change to Samantha Reynolds Photography too early, and also didn't want to stay Photos by Samantha Lucas when I officially named my business. Thus, my middle name, Moria' was a middle ground. My aunt Glenna and cousin Bailey were both very excited about the name, because their middle names are also Moria'! It was a meaningful event for my family.

This was my original logo, photo was from spring 2012.
The progression led to the next logo, which was in my own handwriting. Photo taken October 2012.

Finally, I asked for help from another local photographer, Kendra Knapp, and together, we came up with the following logo!

Moving on to newborns:

The photo below was my first newborn session taken in February of 2012. This is my little cousin, taken at my grandparents' house in Whitesburg, Kentucky.

And below is her little brother, taken in February of 2015, I made his little outfit and hat from each of these photos. The babies are adorable, but I see a large progression in the photos.

This photo was taken of these gorgeous twins in September 2015.

This photo below is from my most recent newborn session, unrelated to the photos above, taken in September of 2016 in the client's home. I no longer do studio newborn work, but I still offer in-home sessions, though newborns are not my primary focus. I still wanted to show some progression in my work in the category, though!

Next, we have seniors:

I believe Paige was my first ever senior session, and I was more excited for this than I had been any other type of session before. We got up at literally the crack of dawn to do her session because I couldn't wait, and I knew the lighting would be spot-on.

I briefly did senior representatives for 2014, and here is a shot from a session with one of my reps!

Some more recent seniors, circa 2015.

And more recent seniors, taken 2016.

Taken February 2017:


I have had the pleasure of working with so many beautiful families over the years and it has been such an amazing experience to hear all their stories and watch their little ones grow! Many of the families and I have kept up with one another on social media throughout the years, and I smile every time I see a new milestone their child has reached. Here are some photos from some past family sessions.

Taken April 2012:

Taken November 2013:
Taken April 2014:

Taken October 2014:

Taken May 2015: Taken May 2016:

Taken July 2016:
Fall 2016:



Child/Toddler Portraiture:

Photo taken February 2012

Taken March 2012:

Taken February 2013:

Taken August 2013:

Taken August 2014:


Taken October 2014:

Taken April 2015

Taken June 2015

Some 2016 Work:

And some 2017:

Engagements & Couples:

My very first engagement session, taken March 2012:

Photo taken September 2013

Photo of my best friend and her husband-to-be! Taken January 2014. Fun fact: I get to be a bridesmaid in their wedding in a little over a month!


Taken June 2014:

Taken October 2015: 

Some 2016 work:

And some 2017:

Moving on to weddings:

The first wedding I ever took photos for was my cousin's wedding. I wasn't a hired photographer, I just wanted to take a few snaps for the family. Taken June 2012.

Next, I did a few weddings where I only shot parts, not ready yet to take on a full wedding myself.

My first solo wedding was in August of 2013.

I progressively learned more about lighting, poses, and so much more, and realized weddings were my passion.

And the one day.. something just CLICKED. I had a big change and I'm not sure exactly what to credit it to, but I'm positive something changed and after a while, I started to catch on to everything I wanted to know. These are some from my late 2015-2016 weddings below.

I want to thank everyone for all the support and for trusting me with your memories over the years! I hope I can continue to grow and be able to provide you with the best photography services I can! I hope you see as much progress as I do, because every day is a learning experience, and you can only get better when you work on your craft and strive to perfect it.













Moria' Photography
Moria Photography
Lexington Photographer
Kentucky Photographer
Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Photographer
Lexington Photographer
Kentucky Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Wedding Photographer
Central Kentucky Photography
Central Kentucky Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Lexington Wedding Photographer


[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Anniversary Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Couple Couples Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Family Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Wedding Photographer Love Moria' Photography Photography Photography Business Progress Progression Photos Ring Samantha Reynolds Wedding Wedding Details Wedding Photographer Weddings business celebration moria' photography photography blog Sun, 26 Feb 2017 17:35:47 GMT
The Waldens | Moria' Photography | Lexington Kentucky Photographer I got a message from this beautiful young woman, Naresa, who was friends with Kimmie, (if you're following my blog posts, you'll recognize the name from a previous session) whom I had shot just weeks earlier at Keeneland in Lexington, Kentucky. She told me she had gotten my contact  information from Kimmie and would like to set up a session to celebrate her anniversary with her husband! I've done a few anniversary sessions before, and knew how special this moment would be for them. I'm so excited to have been chosen as their photographer!

Kentucky saw its first sunset in quite some time this day. The sun was out and shining brightly, though we were so used to the overcast sky. It seems as though we have nearly skipped winter this year, and have gone straight into spring! (Which I am entirely too okay with!) The weather was warm and perfect, the lighting even more so, and we were able to work around the wind.

I miss the golden tones of the late summer and fall, because that light is my favorite. I'm more than pleased that we were able to achieve some of this golden light the day of the Walden session!

As a photographer, I like to look for the best, most innovative shot. Sometimes, this is in a tree. So, i get a lot of "In a tree? Really, Sam?" Yes! Trees make great places to bring in some unique photos with intimacy, new color, and perspective.

I loved that this couple continually surprised me with their ability to connect. They were so fun and it was such a pleasure to photograph them. I'm hoping to have them back in front of my camera very soon! Stay tuned for what Naresa and I are already discussing! It's going to be great!

Lexington Kentucky Photographer
Central Kentucky Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Wedding Photographer
Lexington Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Lexington Wedding Photographer
Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Kentucky Photographer

[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Anniversary Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Couple Couples Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Family Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Wedding Photographer Love Moria' Photography Samantha Reynolds Wedding Wedding Photographer Weddings moria' photography photography blog Thu, 23 Feb 2017 18:02:11 GMT
Have you seen this camera?! | Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer So, over the past couple of years, when I have had the time to take a second to sign wedding guest books, I like to include this little camera! So, for all brides past, check all your sign in things for this! It is something I like to add to my signature at some of the weddings I shoot (and even some I attend; kind of my unofficial trademark, if you will). So what are you waiting for?! Get those books out, and other keepsakes and see if you can find it! If you do, feel free to post and tag me!

Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Lexington Wedding Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Lexington Photographer
Kentucky Photographer
Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Wedding Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer

[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Wedding Photographer Moria' Photography Samantha Reynolds Wedding Wedding Photographer Weddings moria' photography photography blog Fri, 17 Feb 2017 17:00:00 GMT
LeeAnna & Jason | Wedding Photos So one of my best friends from high school contacted me one day to ask if I could photograph her upcoming wedding, and I probably screamed "YES!" a little too loudly. LeeAnna is such a sweet person, who would help anyone who needed it. When we were in high school, she was a great shoulder to cry on, and was actually a bridesmaid in my own wedding! I'm so happy she found a great man like Jason to have in her life. She truly deserves the happiness that her fairy-tale love with Jason entails. Here are a few photos from their big day!

LeeAnna was hoping that her winter wedding would be more of a wonderland, but because of the warm season we have had, we were unable to get any snow on her wedding day. So, I worked in some photoshop magic to help her dream come alive!

We started at Pro Cutz salon in Hindman, Kentucky, and Makala Huff was her stylist. She did a wonderful job, and has a Facebook page if you'd like to check it out. (

Next we went to the venue and shot some more detailed shots.

The wedding dress photo over the mountain was a must!
This little cutie was the flower girl!

When her grandfather walked in to see the bride for the first time, it was hard to see through my lens with all the tears in my eyes! I'm so happy I was able to capture this precious moment for them!

Congratulations again, LeeAnna and Jason! I wish you nothing but a lifetime of happiness together!

Moria Photography
Lexington Kentucky Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Kentucky Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Wedding Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Central Kentucky Photographer
Central Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Eastern Kentucky Photographer
Eastern Kentucky Wedding Photographer
Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer

[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Wedding Photographer Moria' Photography Samantha Reynolds Wedding Wedding Photographer Weddings moria' photography photography blog Thu, 16 Feb 2017 21:44:14 GMT
Rings, Rings, The Beautiful Things - Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photography I was thinking about the photos I typically post when someone inquires about a wedding. The photos are usually of nicely-posed wedding parties, spiffy grooms, gorgeous brides, the wedding couple, or fun candid moments. But what about the rings?!
I wanted to showcase some of my favorite ring shots from some of my recent weddings.

For the Witt wedding, there were so many decorations and beautiful pieces that I couldn't find a place to stop ring photos once I got started! I wanted the rings on every dish, centerpiece, and teacup in the place! There were so many great places to put the rings, and everything there called out to my creative side, saying "Put the rings HERE. Now, HERE. Now, HERE!!" It was wonderful. The decorator for this wedding was Shabby Allie's Boutique, whom I highly recommend if you are intrigued by this style!

Next, we have ring photos from the Hartgrove wedding! The couple decided to have a children's wedding-themed coloring book and available crayons to use for the kids who attended the wedding, which I thought was a wonderful idea to keep the little ones busy, but also, it seemed like a fun opportunity for a ring photo!

The Jett wedding was fall-themed and I fell in love with their autumn decor! I wanted to integrate the warm fall colors in the ring photos. It was an absolutely beautiful day, and the family-owned Lexington space they used for the ceremony made a perfect backdrop. I also loved how unique the bride's ring was with her white stone!

The photos below are from the Crum wedding! They had such unique lighting throughout their wedding, and I wanted to utilize it. The decorative lights in their reception area made for great spotted bokeh throughout the shot. Plus, the overall highly-elegant atmosphere made for elegant ring photos!

Let me introduce you to ring shots form the Gayheart wedding--home of the world's best cake pops. I can't tell you how many of these I snuck into my camera bag! They were absolutely delicious, and if the bride's mother made these to sell, I no doubt would keep her sold out all the time. I wanted to snap a ring shot to incorporate this as a memory into the photos. The rustic doe and deer cake-toppers were sitting on the table alone before the cake arrived, and I had this great idea to stack the rings on them. However, this was SO much easier said than done. Those things did NOT want to balance on top of the deer, and I'm so thankful no one was in the reception area to watch me fumble with these tiny creatures! After several attempts of trial-and-error, I was finally able to take this shot, around two second before the rings slipped back off!

The Frazier Wedding was so laid back. I was able to scope out the area and find the best natural light (which was plentiful in their venue). I settled on this window in the corner. I loved that their ring boxes matched perfectly, and thought what an interesting shot it would be to keep them in the box, something I hadn't done before.

I used a zoom lens to capture this photo of the bride from the Baker wedding placing the ring on her husband's finger. I love detailed photos, and this was no exception. Also, the bride requested a photo of three generations of married women in her family, showing off their gorgeous bling.

These are only a few of the ring photos I have taken over the years, but I wanted to share some to bring some light to them. When you book a wedding photographer, you want them to capture all the details, and ring shots are no exception!


[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Wedding Photographer Moria' Photography Ring Ring Shots Rings Samantha Reynolds Wedding Wedding Details Wedding Photographer Wedding Photographers, Wedding Photos Wedding Ring Wedding Rings Weddings moria' photography photography blog Thu, 09 Feb 2017 17:00:00 GMT
Adventure to Adoption - Brittany & Chris - Lexington Kentucky A few weeks ago, I got an email from a sweet woman who asked me to do something I had never done before. She explained that she and her husband are in the process of becoming adoptive parents and she needed some photos to show the love their growing family already has, and to show how much that love can expand.

Naturally, I was a little nervous. I felt that these photos could potentially be some of the most important images I ever take, that these photos will make a difference in their lives. I wanted to give them every ounce of ability I had in order to make these special for them.

This was my first downtown session, and I was super pumped. When the couple and I met up, there was an instant click--if you've ever met these people, if these are you're friends, you understand what I'm talking about--they're infectiously fun and outgoing; they're likeable in every way. They'll make the best parents.

We started our session downtown, and I noticed their friend, Lakole, was carrying what looked like a rolled up map. I'm going to be honest, I was wondering why she had it. Was it part of her career?
When we reached this spot (below) Brittany asked if we could get a photo with the map. When they unrolled this, my tears started rolling, and I realized just how blessed I was to be their photographer.

We took a few more lovey photos before we left to our second destination!

This couple just has this wonderful chemistry that really just radiates from them. They didn't have to force anything throughout the whole day. Everything just came so natural. Once I got them in a position, their love took over, and I think it shows through their pictures.

Our next destination to shoot was at Keeneland, one of my favorite places to shoot in the Lexington area! What's not to love? Keeneland is essentially the embodiment of Kentucky life, and always a great place to take some really special pictures.

Again, nothing forced! Aren't they just precious?

I want to wish them the best on their adventure to find their baby. With all the love they already have for one another, I only see it able to grow exponentially for their future little one.

[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Adopt Adoption Adoptive Parents Baby Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Couples Family Family Photographer Kentucky Family Photographer, Kentucky Family, Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Wedding Photographer Love Samantha Reynolds moria' photography photography blog Mon, 06 Feb 2017 17:00:00 GMT
Tashia & Steven - Lexington Engagement Tashia and I were lab partners in Chemistry in undergrad. (Yes, I have a biology degree and chose photography as a career).
I was so excited when she contacted me asking if I could shoot her engagement session! Even though we both had moved to the same city, we hadn't had a chance to meet up. It was awesome catching up with her, and meeting her perfect-for-her husband-to-be!

Lexington Kentucky EngagementLexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer

The couple shared their first kiss at Jacobson Park in Lexington, Kentucky and wanted to incorporate it as a memory in their engagement session. We went all over this park, and covered almost every inch! I most definitely got my exercise in for the day!

It was so windy, and Tashia had just had her hair done! But the wind made for wonderful movement throughout their session, and turned out to be a great asset to making their photos special.

They both were complete naturals, and I think you can feel the love in their images. I'm so excited to send out their gallery and let them choose their favorites! There wasn't a bad photo in the bunch.

I'm glad to see Tashia is so happy, and I wish them both many more wonderful years together with their puppies!

[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Destination Wedding Photographers Engaged Engagement Engagement Photographer Engagement Photography Engagement Photos Engagement Session Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Wedding Photographer Moria' Photography Samantha Reynolds moria' photography photography blog Thu, 02 Feb 2017 17:00:00 GMT
Weddings - The Moria' Photography Guide I was at a consultation one day for a potential bride. As I sat and watched her fumble with her keys, then the pen I had given her to sign her contract, it hit me that maybe I should do something to make consultations a little more bride-friendly. She needed something tangible that she could see and hold; something that reminded her that she was investing in something--something that made her feel more like she was going to enjoy her experience with me, and less like she was making a cookie-cutter business deal. Bottom line: I wanted to spoil her. I want to spoil all my brides who book with me! I want them to know that I truly appreciate their business and that I will do everything in my power to make them feel special in every way. Thus, the birth of the Moria' Photography magazine!

I wanted my magazine to cover all the essential things brides wonder about their wedding photography. But why stop there? I added all the things I could possibly think of that any bride would want to know. I gave tips and tricks to enhance the quality of their wedding photos, tips for brides and grooms, as well as other wedding party members, a style-guide for engagement sessions, and so many more things.

Next, I went through a list of contacts that I had previously worked with for weddings, and thought about how much I loved working with them. This inspired me to make a preferred-vendors list in the magazine to help my brides come into contact with other wedding professionals, to make their big day even better!


My goal was to really SPOIL my brides, and I wanted MORE than just a magazine! I decided to custom make full packages for brides to open at our consultation! I want couples to feel as though they're not paying me for a job, I want them to feel as though we are making a trade--that we are gifting to one another, and I want them to enjoy their experience with me throughout the entire time we are together. I added a few flyers, a welcome note, and more goodies that you'll just have to be a Moria' Photography wedding couple in order to see!

PDF file versions are available to all Moria' Photography brides past, present, or future! I do however ask that you do not distribute them, and keep it our little secret.


Weddings - The Moria' Photography GuideLexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Magazine and Wedding Guide


[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Beautiful Packaging Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Bride Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Groom Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Wedding Photographer Moria' Photography Photo Delivery Photography Magazine Samantha Reynolds Unique Packaging Wedding Wedding Magazine Wedding Packaging Wedding Photography Weddings moria' photography photography blog Mon, 30 Jan 2017 17:00:00 GMT
Wedding Photography Packaging - Lexington Kentucky Photographer I get a lot of questions about my packaging, and I wanted to share what the outcome looks like when you receive your images after I photograph your wedding. I love pretty things. It is an obsession of mine. I think presentation says a lot about your business, and I want to represent mine in a fun way. Each item included in my packages are hand-picked by me with thoughts given to my client. I like to make things personalized! Here is a video clip of my packaging, the first box being an 8x10 canvas included in the client's package, as well as their adorable USB drive, and some other goodies. The second box will be saved for my next blog post, which (spoiler alert!) will show off my new magazine! Enjoy!

Moria Photography Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Wedding PackagingMoria Photography Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Wedding Packaging

Also, not shown in the video, I added a candle from one of my very favorite candle companies, located back in my hometown in Knott County, Kentucky. I'm all about supporting local business and helping out others in the area. Community over corporation, if you will. Here is one of the product shots I gifted to the owners of Coal Country Candles because they're awesome and I appreciate how high quality of product they offer. My clients love them, and the scents last much longer than big name company brands. I highly recommend them!

Coal Country CandlesMoria Photography Lexington Kentucky Wedding Photographer Packaging

Here are some of the photos of the packaging as well!

[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Beautiful Packaging Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Coal Country Candles Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Wedding Photographer Moria' Photography Photo Delivery Samantha Reynolds Shop Local Shop Local Kentucky Support Local Business Unique Packaging Wedding Wedding Packaging Wedding Photographer Packaging Weddings moria' photography photography blog Thu, 26 Jan 2017 23:42:58 GMT
Kimmie & Jordon - Lexington Engagement- Keeneland I just finished up editing an awesome engagement session yesterday! The couple and I went to high school together, back in Eastern Kentucky, but we have all since moved to Central Kentucky. I was so excited when Kimmie contacted me to tell me that she and Jordon were tying the knot and she would like me to photograph their engagement session at Keeneland in Lexington, Kentucky. I hadn't seen Kimmie since high school, and it was great catching up with her.

Kimmie mentioned she loved the infinity sign and would like to incorporate it into their engagement session. I keep twine in my car for wedding photography packaging, just in case something comes up and I need to make a delivery. Luckily, I had still left some twine in the car, and we were able to get this shot of them "tying the knot!"


I love raw emotion in a photo, and sometimes the best way to capture emotion like the photo above is to have the couple to repeat a kiss. That way, you capture all the lovey goodness in between as well. I think that in those tiny seconds, you see who the couple is, and their love shines through. This was most definitely the case with Kimmie and Jordan! When you look at this photo, you can really feel the emotion from them!

 I think my style is very emotional. I like to showcase the personality the people I photograph have rather than their outfits, or a cool location, though their matching pea coats were an excellent choice for their post-rain engagement session!

New blog posts coming to you soon, check out more to keep up with this Lexington Kentucky wedding photographer! <3


[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Best Kentucky Photographers Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Wedding Photographer Moria' Photography Samantha Reynolds moria' photography photography blog Thu, 26 Jan 2017 01:16:05 GMT
A New Beginning As A Lexington Kentucky Wedding and Portrait Photographer It has been a while since I have posted on the blog, but I am hoping to get back to that. I have moved to Lexington, Kentucky, and my journey has taken me new places, I have discovered new styles that I like and am starting to believe I have really found my place in the photography world and that it will only keep expanding as I work at it. I'm not the best writer, but I can show you some amazing photos that I have been able to capture over the past several months. I have found a passion in wedding photography in the Lexington area but I have also been traveling and hope to book some destination weddings in the future!


I will be posting some photos very shortly, I'm still working on getting everything organized, but there will be several new updates coming soon.
If you want to visit my photography page on some of my updated work is on there. My website is in the process of being updated to reflect my new style and capabilities. If you want to follow on instagram, I post some awesome shots on there at

For now, here is an engagement photo taken in Hindman, Kentucky with this gorgeous couple who has their wedding booked with me for next summer! Summer 2017 wedding photography dates are already being booked up. Send an email if you would like to get yours before it is gone!




[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Best Kentucky Wedding Photographers Best Kentucky Photographers Best Lexington Wedding Photographers Destination Wedding Photographers Engagement Photographer Family Photographer Kentucky Kentucky Photographer Kentucky Wedding Photographer Lexington Kentucky Lexington Wedding Photographer Moria' Photography Photography Blog Wedding Photographer Thu, 22 Sep 2016 16:02:36 GMT
Putting My Fashion Foot Forward So, if you know me or know anything about my photography, you know that I'm not big on fashion. I have very few fashion-like elements in my portfolio, but lately I've been challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone (which typically includes families, newborns, and children). I had a fashion session with one of my best friends who happened to be coming in from Lexington that weekend, and actually had a ton of fun. It took a bit to get the shots that I wanted, but once we did, I was pretty pleased with the results! It goes to show you that sometimes just because you aren't confident in an aspect of your life, that doesn't mean you can't make the best of it, and try it out every now and again. I'm just waiting for that "wild hair" to hit again and make me want to do something else that I'm not used to doing!


[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Samantha Reynolds moria' photography photography blog Mon, 07 Jul 2014 17:22:28 GMT
Newborn Fever Lately, I have been shooting with a bunch of newborns, and I have to say, I'm absolutely LOVING it! Don't tell my husband about my baby fever, but it makes me want another child so bad! If not that, it does make me want to lean more toward specializing in newborn photography. I love babies, how small they are, how cute they are, but most of all I love that each baby has his/her own personality. To be so small, they are filled with different emotions, reactions, and are all different in their own special way. There is nothing like holding a precious, tiny, new life in your arms. Even if it isn't my child, I love to see my Heavenly Father's creations in the world. Babies each are miracles and come with their own list of blessings that new parents will get to enjoy for as long as they live. Who can argue with that? :)


Here are some of my favorite shots I have been working on lately. I haven't worked with much too many newborns before, so I am still practicing, learning, and trying everything I can to grow as a photographer and a person. Thank you for sharing your little ones and their first little moments with me! I'm blessed beyond measure to have been part of their first few weeks of life!


[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Fri, 27 Jun 2014 15:20:37 GMT
Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone is enjoying their day today, with family cookouts and honoring those who have passed, especially those who have served the country in the Armed Forces! I want to take a minute to thank all of those who give and spend their lives to protect this country, as well as the families who allow us all to borrow their loved ones to do so.

I was honored to have been able to photograph my first family military-themed session yesterday!

I have such a high respect for those in the military and their families. Each person involved in the military has the best interest of the country in mind, while they are backed by family members and friends who are proud to know them. It takes a strong person to join the military, and a strong family to be behind to support them. Shout out to all of you military families out there! You all rock! :)

I wanted to share some of the shots from yesterday, so here they are! :)


[email protected] (Moria' Photography) Samantha Reynolds moria' photography photography blog Mon, 26 May 2014 19:43:43 GMT
A New Website So, I have decided that it is time that I take the next biggest step and become the official owner of my own website, Up until now, I have managed everything for free via Facebook, but it is about time that I take myself more seriously and get down to business!


I'm really excited that you've found my page, and hope you will check back often. This will be a new way for you to keep up with my daily activities, my newest work, and even a new way to proof your galleries and choose your pictures!


I hope to be able to make a blog post a couple times a week at the very least, but I am a mom, and some of you know how hard it is to even take a shower alone! Haha.


Thank you for helping me make my dream possible; I couldn't do it without people standing behind me and following my work.


So, this is your official welcome to the new Moria' Photography website!







[email protected] (Moria' Photography) moria' photography new website photography blog Sat, 24 May 2014 13:43:55 GMT